English Opening

The English opening starts with c4, white starts with a challenge for the white squares in the center of the board.


3.5 - (2 Votes)

pk1989 Avatar pk1989 is offline pk1989 Premium Icon - 11:34 PM December 9, 2017

I recently wanted to add the english to my repertoire, just to try it out, just never felt sure of the fianchetto variation using it.

pk1989 Avatar pk1989 is offline pk1989 Premium Icon - 11:34 PM December 9, 2017

I recently wanted to add the english to my repertoire, just to try it out, just never felt sure of the fianchetto variation using it.

CL73 Avatar CL73 is offline CL73 - 06:09 PM August 6, 2016

A reversed Sicilian dragon (potentially) for white, with a tempo up. Some players with black will play ..c5/..Nc6/..g6/..Bg7 against everything whites plays. It is a good 'system' for black to cut down theory if he wishes. Both the white and black side using this will lead to tactical and slow burning games.

theblackburn Avatar theblackburn is offline theblackburn - 08:44 AM August 5, 2016

Interesting... I have never thought to focus coverage on one color--I will have to experiment with that concept!