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RonO vs. SteveB Date: 2013.12.16
[Event "White's Big Plan"] [Site "http://CharityChess.com/"] [Date "2013.12.16"] [Round "ROUND"] [White "RonO"] [Black "SteveB"] [Result "0-1"] 1. d4 d5 2. e3 Nf6 3. c4 Ne4 4. Qa4+ c6 5. cxd5 Qxd5 6. Nd2 g6 7. Nxe4 Qxe4 8. b4 Bg7 9. Bb2 O-O 10. Nh3 Bxh3 11. b5 Bxg2 12. bxc6 Nxc6 13. Qb5 Bxh1 14. Qxb7 Rab8 15. Qc7 Rxb2 16. Rc1 Rb1 17. Kd2 Rb2+ 18. Kc3 Rxf2 19. Bc4 Qxe3+ 0-1
jlehning (White) vs. SteveB (Black) White starts of with d4, the queen pawn's oppeing.|1,3,9,0,aimage.png,B,3,3,9,0,blank.png,B||d5 Queen pawns game.|6,3,9,0,aimage.png,B,4,3,9,0,blank.png,B||Queen pawns stonewall attack.|1,4,9,0,aimage.png,B,2,4,9,0,blank.png,B||It's the Black Knight! Time to kick some whities ass!|7,6,9,0,aimage.png,B,5,5,9,0,blank.png,B||That opens up the white diagonal for white's queen, but... why?|1,2,9,0,aimage.png,B,3,2,9,0,blank.png,B||Outpost time. Look at me I have an outpost.|5,5,9,0,aimage.png,B,3,4,9,0,blank.png,B,3,4,0,0,green_f.png,0||Well that motivates me to..|0,3,9,0,aimage.png,B,3,0,9,0,blank.png,B,7,4,1,0,kingattack.png,0||Move my c pawn. See pawn run. Run pawn run. Ok that's far enough.|6,2,9,0,aimage.png,B,5,2,9,0,blank.png,B||Hmm a now undefended pawn took my pawn.|3,2,9,0,aimage.png,B,4,3,9,0,blank.png,B,4,3,1,0,attackcross.png,0||Snap your neck like a twig pawn boy.|7,3,9,0,aimage.png,B,4,3,9,0,blank.png,B,4,3,1,0,attackcross.png,0||He must have a plan here.|0,1,9,0,aimage.png,B,1,3,9,0,blank.png,B||Preparing to fianchetto then castle. I am laying the ground work for my kings battle fortress.|6,6,9,0,aimage.png,B,5,6,9,0,blank.png,B||No strategic value in that, that I can see. So much for having a plan. Sacrificing knights must be in vogue.|1,3,9,0,aimage.png,B,3,4,9,0,blank.png,B,3,4,1,0,attackcross.png,0||That does let me pin the g2 pawn to the rook.|4,3,9,0,aimage.png,B,3,4,9,0,blank.png,B,3,4,1,0,attackcross.png,0,1,6,0,0,red_f.png,0|4,3,7,0,green|?? Not sure why. Some fiendish plan I'm ignorant of to be sure.|1,1,9,0,aimage.png,B,3,1,9,0,blank.png,B||Back to preparing the fortress for me. Fianchettoed bishop, check!|7,5,9,0,aimage.png,B,6,6,9,0,blank.png,B||Oh yea, I was going after your teeny weeny pawn with my bishop, not.|0,2,9,0,aimage.png,B,1,1,9,0,blank.png,B,3,3,0,0,green_f.png,0||Now my king is in his fortress. And it never so much as get's a scratch on it throughout the rest of the battle.|7,4,9,0,aimage.png,B,7,6,9,0,blank.png,B||Don't do it. Now that's a mistake. The g2 pawn is pinned and can not support the knight.|0,6,9,0,aimage.png,B,2,7,9,0,blank.png,B,1,6,0,0,red_f.png,0||I told him not to do it.|7,2,9,0,aimage.png,B,2,7,9,0,blank.png,B,2,7,1,0,attackcross.png,0||? White should have done something to protect Rh (who is feeling a bit blue) f3 or Rg1 would do it. There must be some plan for that b5 pawn.|3,1,9,0,aimage.png,B,4,1,9,0,blank.png,B,0,7,0,0,blue_f.png,0||Go ahead, take me! Take me! I taunt the white bishop.|2,7,9,0,aimage.png,B,1,6,9,0,blank.png,B,1,6,1,0,attackcross.png,0,0,5,9,0,green_overlay.png,0||?? Hello, hay white something is going on at the other corner of the board. Well if I don't take with my knight I will be in the same boat as white with my rook in jeopardy.|4,1,9,0,aimage.png,B,5,2,9,0,blank.png,B,5,2,1,0,attackcross.png,0||Well he died well. Now for white to do something about that rook.|7,1,9,0,aimage.png,B,5,2,9,0,blank.png,B,5,2,1,0,attackcross.png,0||Such intense focus! But on the wrong side of the board?|3,0,9,0,aimage.png,B,4,1,9,0,blank.png,B||Time for the rook.|1,6,9,0,aimage.png,B,0,7,9,0,blank.png,B,0,7,1,0,attackcross.png,0||Yea, that pawn was worth a rook.|4,1,9,0,aimage.png,B,6,1,9,0,blank.png,B,6,1,1,0,attackcross.png,0||But now your pined honey.|7,0,9,0,aimage.png,B,7,1,9,0,blank.png,B,6,1,0,0,red_f.png,0||Not going to pin me she said. Snap like a mouse trap.|6,1,9,0,aimage.png,B,6,2,9,0,blank.png,B||Bam! By by bishop.|7,1,9,0,aimage.png,B,1,1,9,0,blank.png,B,1,1,1,0,attackcross.png,0||Wait for it.... This must mean something?? But probably not.|0,0,9,0,aimage.png,B,0,2,9,0,blank.png,B||I was unaware that white joined the pin of the month club. Or of the every other move club.|1,1,9,0,aimage.png,B,0,1,9,0,blank.png,B,0,2,0,0,red_f.png,0||Not sure what he was thinking other than no more pins for me.|0,4,9,0,aimage.png,B,1,3,9,0,blank.png,B||Check! your luggage your Highness?|0,1,9,0,aimage.png,B,1,1,9,0,blank.png,B,1,3,1,0,kingattack.png,0||Uhh hay, what about your pawn? Oh I'll get it.|1,3,9,0,aimage.png,B,2,2,9,0,blank.png,B||And for you bishop, na I'm not going to take you, your with that white rook.|1,1,9,0,aimage.png,B,1,5,9,0,blank.png,B,1,5,1,0,attackcross.png,0,0,5,0,0,yellow_f.png,0,0,2,9,0,green_overlay.png,0|2,0,5,0,yellow|Was it something I said? Hay I think he has plans for my black bishop. You can't take my bishop if your in check. Oh look another abandoned pawn.|0,5,9,0,aimage.png,B,3,2,9,0,blank.png,B,0,7,2,0,x_red.png,0|2,0,7,0,red|Yummie. At this point white resigned the game. And I was having such fun.|3,4,9,0,aimage.png,B,2,4,9,0,blank.png,B,2,2,1,0,kingattack.png,0,2,4,1,0,attackcross.png,0||
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